Banana fry

BaNaNa Craze

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How do you want to see Banana? Its a yellow creature. Fruit came from heaven.

Banana invention…we will turn Banana to Tasty Fritter in a very simple way as we could because time is precious.

The ingredients are just around the house and in everyone kitchen.


We need ;

1. Flour

2. Salt

3. Turmeric Powder

4. Cooking Oil

Lets learn how to make it now:

1. Put some flour in a bowl / a plastic box

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2. Put some Turmeric Powder a bit, just for natural colouring and some salt to taste.

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3. Mix them in the flour with some water, just make sure the batter is thick. We want the batter to stick easily to the Banana.

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4. The Banana need to be peeled. You can cut it in a shape that you like.

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5. Now, put the Banana into the mixture. Stir it nicely.

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6. Heat the pan and add sufficient cooking oil. Wait till it is ready/hot.

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7. Fry the ‘flour dipped Banana’ when the oil is ready and fry until it is medium dark brown.

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8. Toast it out from the pan when it is brown and crispy.

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9. Finally…it is time to eat it. You can eat it with cheese as you like.

I promise you this Banana Craze is better than the fried Banana you buy by the road side. It is tasty and guaranteed clean and super healthy.

Happy Trying…

❤ Dzie